We're enjoying your weekly photo stories to Practice Resurrection too much to stop the series in two weeks (which is when the season of Eastertide becomes the season of Pentecost. My friend -- and one of my all-time favorite artists and Resurrection practicers -- Phaedra Taylor offered to give away 5 prints from PJeanArtMachine to make the whole thing even sweeter.
Phaedra's series of motivational posters seemed like the perfect way to remind us to take up something new as a way of celebrating the season of Easter. She and I put our happy heads together and schemed up this delightful little plan...
Each week for the rest of May -- starting this week -- I'll select one motivational print from PJeanArtMachine to give away to one of YOU photo story contributors.
Three easy steps to play along our Practice Resurrection photo story series:
1. Take up something new. (one day or fifty days doesn't matter, just one thing that's new or, maybe just unique with this season)
2. Take a picture and write a description in 36 words or less.
3. Share the photo and the 36 word or less caption with me via email or facebook message by Thursday morning each week of the series.
A few more ways to enter the weekly drawing, leave a comment every time you:
- Like This Sacramental Life on Facebook.
- Like The Ambrosium (Phaedra's fan page) on Facebook
- Become an email subscriber to This Sacramental Life
- Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, Google + or Pinterest (use all the cute little icons at the bottom of the post)
But wait, there's more!
During the final week of May we'll add one more drawing from all the names entered since week one of the Practice Resurrection series to win this brand-new, not listed yet print from PJeanArtMachine...
Join us, won't you... (and stay tuned for another post revealing this week's featured print)...